Psoriasis Creams

In a sea of lotions and ointments claiming to heal psoriasis, it can be incredibly difficult to figure out which products actually work.  Read on to find my top picks, and the detailed reasons for recommending these products.

The Best Lotions, Ointments and Shampoos for Psoriasis:

  • Best short-term emergency remedy: Vanicream hydrocortisone (short term emergency use)
  • Best shampoo for scalp psoriasis: Dermarest shampoo
  • Best anti-inflammatory heavy moisturizer/oil: Hemp Seed Healing Balm, borage oil.
  • Best anti-inflammatory non-greasy moisturizer: Shikkai Borage therapy
  • Best barrier repair non-greasy moisturizer: rescue remedy
  • Best ultra-light natural moisturizer for face and hair line: honeyskin organics
  • Over the counter vitamin D cream:

Jump to a more detailed explanation on:
Salicilic acid psoriasis treatments
Steroid creams
Coal Tar Ointments and Shampoos
Natural oils and moisturizers for psoriasis
Vitamin D creams for psoriasis

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All The Details:

Prescription creams
Vitamin D derivatives
Powerful steroids

All the Details on Over the Counter Psoriasis Creams and Shampoos

The three main types of over the counter (OTC) options typically recommended for psoriasis are creams and shampoos that contain either:
• Salicylic acid
• Hydrocortisone (a mild steroid)
• Coal tar
IT is also possible to buy vitamin D creams over the counter, although it is not clear they are absorbed as well as the form found in prescription vitamin D creams.

Salicylic Acid Creams and Shampoos

These work by helping to release dead skin cells, thereby reducing scaling and itching. Psoriasis shampoos and creams that have salicilyic acid as the active ingredient include Dermarest cream, dermarest shampoo, T-sal shampoo. A good option that helps many, and with few downsides.

OTC Steroids for Psoriasis

Potent steroid creams are a common prescription treatment for psoriasis, but mild steroids that you can buy over the counter (1% hydrocortisone) can help mild psoriasis. Suppress the immune response that contributes to psoriasis. Should only be used in the short term to get symptoms under control.
Best product is one that contains few other irritating ingredients, such as vanicream 1% hydrocortisone.

Coal Tar Products

There are various coal tar shampoos, body washes, and ointments on the market that are intended to treat psoriasis.

How does coal tar help psoriasis?

Coal tar helps to reduce the overproduction of skin cells. Helpful for some, but not without significant drawbacks. Potential carcinogen (although likely not at the doses used in products), can increase redness and irritation, strong unpleasant odor, stains fabrics, and only effective for some.
Best for: when all other options have failed.
Possible side effects of coal tar: Itching, burning, tenderness, or redness; sensitivity to sunlight.
Coal tar products include:
T-gel shampoo, MG217 ointment

Natural Remedies for Psoriasis

Moisturizing affected areas may not address the underlying immune process that drives psoriasis, but this can still dramatically reduce itching, burning, redness, and scaling.
It is important to choose a product without irritating ingredients, such as fragrance, parabens, and a long list of chemical ingredients.

If you are looking for a light, natural moisturizer, a good option is honeyskin organics. It absorbs very quickly and is non-greasy. But this may not provide enough moisture for many.

Natural oils such as coconut oil and shea butter provide intensive moisturizing and may help provide a barrier that can calm the effected area. Very unlikely to irritate the skin, even in those with allergies, low cost. These products can, however, be somewhat greasy.

Ceramides can also help to rebuild the skin barrier over time.

If you are willing to endure some oiliness, a better option may be products that contain anti-inflammatory oils, such as essential fatty acids in:

  • borage seed oil,
  •  hemp seed oil, or
  • Emu oil.

These fatty acids can suppress the production of inflammatory mediators by immune cells and

Vitamin D Creams for Psoriasis

Vitamin D derivatives, such as calcipotriene, are among the first line prescription treatments used to treat psoriasis. For some, these treatments can be incredibly effective.  If you are unable to get a prescription, it is also possible to buy vitamin D creams over the counter, but these creams contain a different form of Vitamin D that may not have the same activity as the prescription options.  An oral vitamin D supplement may be a better idea.

Metaderm Reviews

Metaderm is a newer line of skin care products designed to treat psoriasis purportedly using a blend of botanical ingredients. It is unclear how it works and reviews have been mixed. Some people have great success with it, but there are Many reports of it worsening psoriasis. Expensive. Potentially irritating ingredients